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Welcome Back to School

Dear Black Ridge Families,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to another year at Black Ridge Elementary! Our 2018-2019 school year is shaping up to be a wonderful one filled with lots of opportunities for student to “Work Hard, Learn Well, Play Often…and Be Kind.”

Our school is an amazing place where the efforts of many converge to make the school experience a good one for all of our students. We have talented and committed teachers, aides, parents, and support staff that have powerful conversations each day about how to educate our students. We are sure that in the coming days and weeks, you will see evidence of that in your own child’s experience.

I would encourage you to become engaged in this work! Parents are always needed to assist with PTA events, field trips, and classroom volunteers. Even if you aren’t able to spend much time at the school, you can provide the necessary support at home to ensure that your child has a successful year. Research proves that students can enjoy a positive experience at school if they have access to the following things at home:

  • A dedicated place and time for homework
  • A minimum of 20 minutes of reading each night (or more in the upper grades)
  • The opportunity to talk about the events of the school day with a parent/guardian

Black Ridge Elementary is a place where your child is given a nurturing education each day! We are grateful for the opportunity to serve your family!

“Impacting the Future by Inspiring Students to Become Lifelong Learners”


Mrs. Heather Jensen, Principal